Tuesday, July 31, 2012

It's time to pray!!

Who are we to think that we can only save the world by talking
Who are we to believe that through us is the only way for people to be saved
Who are we that taking some simple training or program to help saves life's is enough
Who are we to think that we can do all of this without God

Who are we to think that God's spirit can't lead the hurt and broken to Him
Who are we to think that praying is not good enough
Who are we to think that God needs us
Who are we to think that we don't need Him

I say all of this because of a heavy burden God has laid on my heart. It's a simple burden really. But it's heavy.  It's a burden that God has called our church to. It's a burden that can save thousands. It's a burden that without it, no one is safe. It's a burden to pray. It's a burden to follow and listen to God's word when it tells us to "pray without ceases". It's time for us to stop playing church. It's time to stop making programs to bring people in. It's time to holding leadership conferences. It's time to stop having bible studies to just fill our calendar. It's time for us as a church. As a people. As Christ Followers to pray. It's time to pray church. I'll say it again... It's time to pray!

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