Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Safe in His arms

A few weeks ago, I went to a worship conference called Serve at the Circleville Church of the Nazarene. Let me tell you that it was a much needed time to get a way, learn and worship our creator through song. There were many memorable moments. I took a lot away from there. A lot. The speakers were awesome! These gentleman really gave it their all. The really shared good stuff!

One of my biggest take away's was the Pastor of that church, Wendell Brown. He was talking about his youngest child. He talked how one of the ways he showed love to him as a new born was two pats and a rub. He shared how when his son (I believer) was older he would do that back to him as way of showing love back to him. He also shared how when he meets Jesus he wants to do the same to Him. 

This really made me think. It made me think about how I show love to my little ones and how they show love back to me. It really made me think about ways I could show them I loved them with no words. Just gestures....

Right now I have a 5 month old. He's more of the size of a 1 year old. He is one of the sweetest baby's I've ever seen. His smile is captivating. He loves for you to talk to him and he loves to talk back to you. He really can make you forget about any troubles you're having with that smile. It's pretty awesome! I have many favorite things that he does, but one of my all time favorites is when he falls asleep on me. He's still nursing so these times are rare right now, so I just try to take all the chance I can get to do this. I really thought about how he or really anyone has to feel safe in order to fall asleep on someone else. I mean think about that! If you don't feel safe and comfortable around someone you can't sleep around them, let alone rest your head on them. You have to feel that comfort. You have to feel that warmth from their heart. You have to feel that security  to allow them to pull you into their arms and hold you, until you rest. 

This idea of rest and security in the arms of someone who loves you and you love as well really made me think about God our Father. It really made me think if I trusted him enough to just close my eyes and fall asleep in His arms? If I trusted Him enough to protect me while I rested? If I trusted Him enough to fulfill His promises with my closed? If loved Him enough to allow Him to pull me into His arms when I was in place of need and allow Him to take care of things I said I trusted Him to take care of?

If I'm honest, I'm not sure I trust Him that much all the time. I'm not sure I can let God move and guide me with my eyes closed. I'm not sure I can let God move while I rested, for I'm afraid He won't always do it the way I think it should be done. I'm not sure I can, but I want too! I want to jump in His lap with no regard for my safety! I want to jump into His arms like a little child does, trusting that they will be caught! This is something I am going to work on till I get it right. But before I close this post, I ask you.... Can you rest on Him?

Friday, August 24, 2012

Doing God’s work… Oh, that’s for the paid staff of the church.

I recently had a friend on Facebook post this:

“The frequency with which people assume that I'm an ordained minister is amusing.”

Now to be honest, I thought that he was too. He is technically a pastor, since he is an elder in his church. And Elder biblically is the same office as a pastor. But he isn’t an ordained minister.
After reading this, I started to write something on his page. But I felt like this comment needed more than just a short Facebook comment. This past Sunday we had guy come to our church from Prayerstand.com. He did a presentation about the prayer stand offered on the site. I recommend every church get one, however that’s not the reason for this post. The reason for this post is something Tom talked about during his presentation. He talked about how in most of the churches today the paid staff of the church is looked at to do all the spiritual work and outreach. The paid staff is looked upon to disciple, mentor, bring in new people, convert those people, etc. It’s like the people of congregation are saying we’re not paid to do the work of God, that’s what we pay you. I believe this is the reason for church attendance declining and the US being declared a mission field. We as Christians in the US have become to comfortable. We have become OK with mediocrity. We’ve become OK with our friends and family going to hell. This is what the bible commands us to do:

Mat 28:19 NKJV - "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

This verse is not just talking to, priest and preachers only. This verse is talking to all disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.  So it is time that we take hold of this verse, and do what it says. It’s time we bring so many hurting people into our church buildings that fire codes are broken. It’s time that people start coming to you and asking “are you an ordained preacher?”

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Christianity confirmed

I was reading an Facebook post from Ken Ham’s Facebook Page. In it, Ken talks about an article that was written about him saying that he basically calling him a Militant.  She goes on to say that Ham’s apocalyptic vision is one-dimensional. It’s this kind of stuff that just drives me crazy! It is funny how a person that doesn’t believe in the bible.  That believes in science over creation, can stand there and say that Christians views are one-dimensional, when their views are one dimensional as well. This call for open mindedness seems to go only one way. Basically, if you don’t see it their way, you’re not open minded, but for them to see it your way is closed minded. What about the other religions? What about their views? Why is Christianity in itself so dangerous?  Why is it more dangerous than any other religion or view for that matter? Is it because it’s correct, and the enemy knows it and is trying to stop it in it’s tracks? This just confirms Christianity for me!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

It's time to pray!!

Who are we to think that we can only save the world by talking
Who are we to believe that through us is the only way for people to be saved
Who are we that taking some simple training or program to help saves life's is enough
Who are we to think that we can do all of this without God

Who are we to think that God's spirit can't lead the hurt and broken to Him
Who are we to think that praying is not good enough
Who are we to think that God needs us
Who are we to think that we don't need Him

I say all of this because of a heavy burden God has laid on my heart. It's a simple burden really. But it's heavy.  It's a burden that God has called our church to. It's a burden that can save thousands. It's a burden that without it, no one is safe. It's a burden to pray. It's a burden to follow and listen to God's word when it tells us to "pray without ceases". It's time for us to stop playing church. It's time to stop making programs to bring people in. It's time to holding leadership conferences. It's time to stop having bible studies to just fill our calendar. It's time for us as a church. As a people. As Christ Followers to pray. It's time to pray church. I'll say it again... It's time to pray!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Stuck in this place

Stuck in this place
And I know why
I've been here too many times
To break down and cry

So I lift up my head
To figure it out
But really
Is this what this trials all about

I tried on my own
I tried to push through
And I made it that way
Many times too

But I continue to circle
Continue To end up here
Not getting further
Nor do I persevere

You're hoping I'll get it
You're hoping I'll find
The answer to this riddle
The words to this rhyme

So this time I'll listen
No longer will I fight
I'll put it in your hands
I'll stand by Your side

So this time we can get this
This time we can make it through
And I'll learn my lesson
And learn to count on You